Planning, budgeting & forecast
Planning, budgeting & forecast are three distinct, highly interconnected processes. Each of them has different goals and needs and, therefore, different requirements in terms of software functionality.
Technology in companies financial management
In any business segment, organizations increasingly seek to achieve competitive advantage. In this sense, it is not enough just to correctly interpret the changes determined by the market pressures.
The five most common problems of spreadsheet-based planning
Electronic spreadsheets are probably the most commonly used tools for financial planning, regardless of size or industry.
Managing performance in a dynamic economy
Periods of high competitiveness or difficulty in some sectors of the economy bring together great motivation for the organizations to manage their operations and finances more effectively than ever and
What is expected of a cpm solution?
So, what does it mean for a CPM solution to be able to provide agility, flexibility and adaptability? First, let’s see how much an organization needs these capabilities.
Challenges for the medium-size companies
While a dynamic and highly competitive economy shows challenges even for large corporations, it may represent an especially difficult age for medium size companies.
The advantages of CPM in a competitive, predatory environment
The XXI century business environment has been more and more competitive and predatory. The cash flows generated by globalized environment quickly turn from opportunities to threats, be it productive or